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How Xuxuwear Increased Revenue by 23% with Web Push Notifications

  • Industry Category Apparel
  • Product Category OmniSegment

About Xuxuwear

Xuxuwear holds the concept of "Curating your Everyday Wear", with a mission to deliver fashion through material-based designs that curate to each individual's unique appearance. With 30 years of experience in textile manufacturing, Xuxuwear produces all of its own materials and clothing designs, providing simple yet comfortable outfits for their customers. 

Without compliance to today's fast fashion trends, Xuxuwear keeps a small inventory, and holds all outfit design and production of their brand accountable. With strong beliefs in customer centricity, Xuxuwear segregates their members into 4 categories, which are "Xuwear Good Friends", "Philosopher in Closet", "Style Lovers", and "Aesthetic Chasers", all with the focus and hopes to cultivate brand loyalty.  


Increase in ROAS


Rise in Customer’s Average Order value


Revenue Growth

Goals and Challenges

90% Sales Leads from 45% of Loyal Customers, Xuxuwear Seeks Data-driven Insights for 360-degree Customer Profile Understanding

Converting Customers into Fans with Personalization

Despite small target groups, Xuxuwear was able to sustain stable growth in revenue. The reason behind this is that, unlike many fashion brands with focus on driving customer traffic, Xuxuwear shifts their attention to loyal customers, keeping the basis on distinctive customers who believe in their products and concepts. Through targeted personalization, Xuxuwear has achieved 90% of revenue growth that comes from 45% of highly loyal customers. 

Data Insights Limited by Team Resources

In the past, due to the limitations of the team's capacity, Xuxuwear was unable to effectively analyze customer data from multiple sources, and therefore lacked sufficient data insights for strategy optimization. The team knew they needed a more complete data integration and analysis system to take the business to a next level. Besides, Xuxuwear's management highly relied on the coherence between its managers and designers, in which both parties would have to rely on a complete, integrated data platform that could help them effectively communicate in driving the team's decision-making and execution. 

The Solution

Empowering In-depth Customer Engagement through Audience Segmentation and Membership Models 

Encouraging Membership Upgrades with AI-powered Segmentation and Labeling

There are 4 categories of membership under Xuxuwear, where members are differentiated based on their annual spending. Thanks to OmniSegment CDP's dynamic segmentation capabilities, Xuxuwear was able to label members accordingly, and harness the power of AI to perform automatic analysis on the data collected on members' browsing history, intent, and behavior. By leveraging insights from the data provided, Xuxuwear was able to deliver highly targeted and individualized customer experiences, engaging their members with relevant, timely, and personalized messaging through web push notifications. OmniSegment CDP system's built-in machine learning model "Puffer AI" is in charge of customizing the web push notifications to each member by calculating the most suitable time and channel based on continuously accumulated data. Through targeted personalization and communication, Xuxuwear was able to add value to their members, and constructively capture their involvement, promoting membership upgrades.  

Increasing Membership Participation with the NASLD Analysis Model

Besides categorizing members according to their total annual spending, Xuxuwear utilizes beBit TECH's NASLD Analysis Model (insert link on NASLD explanation) to target focused web push notifications to members based on their active engagement rate, essentially to increase the number of active members. With Xuxuwear's customer-centric business model, members under the N and A active category stand a huge percentage. With the OmniSegment CDP, Xuxuwear was able to further engage with active members under the N and A category, while continuing to retarget members in the S, L, and D categories, making the best out of every customer lifetime value. 

Redefining Business Strategies with Professional Data Consultation 

With the OmniSegment CDP, Xuxuwear has managed to increase overall effectiveness with data automation, and gain better understanding of their members through member segmentation and labeling. Besides, beBit TECH's team of professional data strategists also provided Xuxuwear with expert guidance on multiple data analysis, and the implementation of effective customer management strategies. Automated marketing and data did not only help Xuxuwear discover better management systems, but also bridged the gap between logical and creative communication within the team, allowing Xuxuwear to cultivate deeper relationships with their members through continuous added value, increasing repeat purchase rates. 

The Results

Upon incorporating OmniSegment CDP for 1 year, Xuxuwear saw improvement in its overall member retention rates with automated labeling and web push personalization. Xuxuwear also managed to build deeper engagement with its active members, with a 5% and 3% increase in customer average order value and conversion rates respectively under the active member category (N & A). Besides, with professional guidance from beBit TECH's data strategists and the involvement of AI smart learning model, Xuxuwear has also achieved continuous growth in revenue, with total sales improvement by 23% and ROAS increment by 48%, going beyond milestones all within a year.

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