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How Versuni Increased Conversion Rates by 55% with Personalization

  • Industry Category Retail
  • Product Category OmniSegment

About Versuni

Versuni has always made it their mission to turn everyone's "house" into a "home". Versuni supports contemporary living through sustainable and innovative products. Some of their products include kitchen appliances, coffee sets, ironing, and home cleaning, while their famous product line-ups are air fryers, universal pots, LatteGo & Saeco automatic espresso machines, air purifiers, dehumidifiers, handheld steam irons and shoe washers. 


Increase in Conversion Rates


Growth in Online Sales

Goals and Challenges

Nurturing Customer Relationships with Full-Funnel Marketing

As home appliances have long product life cycles, Versuni sees cultivating customer loyalty as essential. To do this, Versuni hopes to gain a deeper understanding of their customers through Customer Data Platform (CDP). Versuni believes that the key to "putting customers at heart" is through knowing their needs, preferences, and behaviors, which will serve as the basis to deliver a customer experience tailored to make  customers feel connected. 

Connecting Customer Base Across All Platforms, Delivering Precise Customer Engagement

One of the main objectives behind implementing the Customer Data Platform (CDP) is to improve Versuni's customer engagement strategies. Without being able to track and combine customer's shopping behaviors across various touch points, Versuni was unable to fully understand each customer's needs and preferences, hindering the opportunity to deliver precise, targeted communication. Coupled with big data analytics by the CDP, Versuni is able to gain 360-degree customer profile view for each customer, hence effectively improving customer experience through precise engagement. 

Personalized and Scenario-based Campaigns with AI Marketing Automation

Versuni sees the value in effective communication, and aims to interact with customers in a precise, personal manner. The integration of data across customers' preferences, activities, and purchase history allows Versuni to effectively customize their interaction with customers at the optimal time and frequency, through the right channel. OmniSegment CDP also supports the team with real-time marketing automation to achieve personalization at scale with limited resources.

The Solution

Shaping Personalized Experiences, Fostering Customer Brand Loyalty, Increase Business Growth

Marketing automation, now made possible with OmniSegment CDP, has allowed Versuni to achieve customer data unification across sources. Versuni can also target different customer groups across all channels with OmniSegment CDP's automated triggering, making it easier than ever to track and reconnect customers.

Precise Customer Segmentation and Interests Labeling by Unifying Data from Various Sources

By adopting OmniSegment CDP, Versuni is able to consolidate and unify data sources across offline and online touch points for the entire customer journey from browsing, checkout, and after-sales. Versuni is then able to do precise customer segmentation by labeling based on different preferences, behaviors, transaction history and etc. With this, Versuni is able to precisely communicate with customers, increasing efficiency and marketing performance. 

Eliminating Communication Barriers with Scenario-based Marketing Automation 

With 360-degree customer profile view, Versuni can then implement effective campaigns via marketing automation - Delivering personalized and targeted marketing campaigns at the right time, to the right people based on different objectives and requirements. OmniSegment CDP has a simple and easy-to-use customer journey orchestration setup, allowing marketers to quickly automate their marketing campaigns for the next six months.

During one of Versuni's marketing campaigns, OmniSegment CDP was able to quickly identify the group of customers that are more likely to convert by understanding the spending behavior such as product browsing, clicks, add-to-cart, and also interests labeling,  allowed Versuni to deliver personalization and product recommendations to every single customer at scale. With automated customer labeling, Versuni could also improve conversion rates by recommending relevant products, ensuring campaign effectiveness. 

In increasing repeat purchase rate, Versuni found OmniSegment CDP's web and app push notifications highly effective in reducing lost revenue and achieving higher conversion rates. OmniSegment CDP's automation architect triggers personalized, cross-channel journeys aimed at increasing traffic, conversions, and revenue. Based on NASLD analysis to segment different types of member profiles, such as "membership points expiry  reminders" or "birthday offers", OmniSegment CDP helped Versuni in stimulating return visits by targeting lost or dormant customers up to 2 times.

In the after-sales service, Versuni utilizes OmniSegment CDP to deepen customer relationships through tailored approach and messaging. Versuni can automate after-sales messages with OmniSegment CDP, such as sending relevant product guides and performing follow-ups after every customer's purchase, in turn cultivating brand relationships that drive long-term loyalty and revenue. Versuni can also customize after-sales messages to include information such as usage tips, recipes, and repeat purchase reminders. Overall, this has resulted in a 40% increase in Versuni's repeat purchase rate. 

The Results

Incorporating OmniSegment CDP for marketing automation was a huge success for Versuni. Overall, it delivered a 1.23 times increase in the brand's conversion rate for new customers. Versuni also saw a 2 times growth in terms of their repeat purchase rate, accounting for 55% of overall online sales revenue. OmniSegment CDP has made it easy for Versuni to orchestrate, test, and scale campaigns, delivering individualized journeys to customers at different stages to drive long-term loyalty and ROI.

OmniSegment CDP has helped us to solve the problems we faced from customer's pre-purchase phase. With automated labeling and smart segmentation, we were able to deliver targeted and personalized marketing campaigns, not only did it save us a lot of money, but also providing great shopping experience to our customers.

  • Amber Lin
  • Versuni CRM Manager
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