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Litomon Revived Dormant Customers, Resulting in High ROAS of 360+

  • Industry Category Pet
  • Product Category OmniSegment

About Litomon

With focus on bringing happiness and well-being to pets, Litomon is committed to incorporate high-grade ingredients with quality standards in their scientific development of cat and dog food. Since its founding in 2019, Litomon offers over 30 canned food flavors with the highest meat content in the dry food market. Litomon wishes to cater to the growing demand of pet owners through comprehensive and personalized customer management strategies, building trust and continuously expanding its influence in the pet care market.


Active Customer Push ROAS


Sleeping Customer Push ROAS

Goals and Challenges

Growing Demands of Pet Owners - The Need for Precise Data Utilization to Achieve Improvement in Conversion Rates

Integrating Diverse Customer Data for Personalized Communication

In the evolving market of pet products, where needs are becoming more refined and individualized, accurately understanding pet owners' preferences is crucial for sales conversion. On top of its official website, Litomon actively operates multiple channels to encourage customer interaction. However, without effective integration of data obtained from these channels, it was challenging to identify individual preferences. 

Litomon emphasizes that the first step in focusing on customer engagement is integrating cross-channel high-value data, allowing for accurate customer recognition and analysis. This integration lays the foundation for personalized and effective communication strategies.

Leveraging Pandemic-Driven Traffic to Encourage First-Time and Repeat Purchases

The pandemic has transformed the shopping behavior of pet owners, leading to an increased reliance on online sales channels and a significant rise in traffic to the Litomon website. With this substantial increase in traffic, Litomon aims to seize the opportunity to enhance brand customer management, implement personalized marketing, and continuously improve the customer shopping experience. Specifically, the focus is on achieving better results in customer first-time purchases, repeat purchases, and cross-selling. As a whole, Litomon hopes to sustain the high traffic generated during the pandemic as a way to progress in the new normal. 

The Solution

One-Stop Customer Management Data Platform, Leveraging Automated Multi-Channel Marketing Communication

Designing Personalized Communication Based on Customer Behavior to Increase First-Time and Repeat Purchase Rates

The integration of OmniSegment CDP has become Litomon's one-stop data management platform, supporting the functions of automated multi-channel messaging. Individual customer behaviors, such as purchases, clicks, and browsing history across various channels can be precisely aggregated and consolidated automatically by the CDP.

The automatic collection of customer operation data (O-Data; such as basic customer information and order data) and experience data (X-Data; such as marketing channel interaction data) by OmniSegment CDP has served as valuable references for Litomon's team in subsequent marketing planning. For example, the team can conduct repeat purchase analysis on a series of products, design first-purchase promotion bundles, and improve the conversion rate of first-time purchases.

With OmniSegment CDP's automated market segmentation and labeling, Litomon was also able to effectively define various market segments, and with precise labeling, segment pet owners based on different product categories. The CDP then design personalized push marketing contents tailored to the needs of these pet owners, ranging from product recommendations to educational articles. This approach continuously strengthens pet owners' trust in Litomon, thus optimizing the overall repeat purchase rate for the brand.

Utilizing OmniSegment CDP's NASLD Model to Enhance Customer Engagement and Foster a Healthy Active Customer Cycle

Litomon, despite being a relatively new brand, has a vibrant and distinct brand image, making it easier to re-engage and encourage dormant customers to make repeat purchases. Through product reports generated by OmniSegment CDP, Litomon was able to design sales bundles that attract customers, and further discovered that even non-standard, unique products can also contribute to engaging customers on their website. 

The OmniSegment's built-in NASLD model categorizes customers based on their activity levels into "New", "Active", "Sleep", "Lost", and "Deep" categories. The team leveraged this model to efficiently segment and communicate with customers, optimizing overall customer engagement.

The Results

Following the integration of OmniSegment CDP, Litomon has achieved significant success in improving the repeat purchase rates of new and active customers, as well as reactivating dormant customers. Marketing campaigns targeting the relatively active segments, such as new and active customers, have successfully yielded a ROAS of up to 437.

By combining OmniSegment CDP's product reports with its built-in behavior scripts for dormant customers, Litomon's marketing strategy execution in terms of customer reactivation have also managed to achieve a ROAS of up to 363.

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