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Angel LaLa Boosts ROAS and Passive Income with Automated Marketing

  • Industry Category Health Care
  • Product Category OmniSegment

About Angel LaLa

Founded by Naturemax International Corp., Angel LaLa focuses on delivering "beauty", "slimness", and "functionality".  Collaborating with experts from Taiwan, the U.S., and Japan in health, beauty, and medical biotechnology, Angel LaLa develops high-quality nutritional supplements for women aged 35-50, while also expanding into the health markets for younger and senior demographics. With over 20 years of excellence, Angel LaLa continues to grow its market share with a strong product lineup, available through TV shopping, e-commerce platforms, the brand's website, and physical stores, enhancing its brand influence.


Average ROAS

Goals and Challenges

Declining Ad ROI and Rising Customer Acquisition Costs

The pandemic sparked a strong demand for health supplements, alongside the prevalence of numerous brands and influencers entering the healthcare market. As the industry grew to become more competitive, consumers are left with more choices and channels, resulting in brands facing fragmentation in management over time. In Taiwan's e-commerce market, dominant players attract most traffic, overshadowing brand websites. For brands like Angel LaLa, which highly rely on their websites for direct member engagement and repeat purchases, acquiring traffic and new customers has become increasingly difficult with the rise of advertising costs.

Stagnant Revenue Growth: the Need for Momentum

Besides the competitiveness in the healthcare industry, Angel LaLa's e-commerce website has shown stagnant revenue growth. This made the brand vulnerable to impacts from external factors, posing risks of revenue declination. Despite strategies to increase revenue, Angel LaLa had limited budget and manpower. The team knew they needed to begin the momentum to grow their website as soon as possible. 

The Solution

Effortless, Efficient, and Cost-Effective Member Engagement and Repeat Purchase Strategies with OmniSegment CDP

Effortless Automation of Customer Journeys as Passive Income Source

OmniSegment CDP offers 41 built-in customer journey scripts customizable to various marketing goals (e.g., increasing repeat purchase rates, member engagement, reactivating dormant customers). After the initial set up, Angel LaLa can leverage CDP's full automation to continuously deliver marketing communications under specific conditions, significantly reducing labor costs.

Among the customer journey scripts offered by OmniSegment CDP, Angel LaLa frequently utilizes OmniSegment CDP's "Promotional Scripts" and "Behavioral Scripts". Promotional Scripts are focused on driving e-commerce revenue by promoting time-sensitive offers and discounts, addressing sales gaps promptly, while Behavioral Scripts enable precise communication based on real-time member behavior, enhancing immediate sales conversion. By layering these marketing communications, Angel LaLa surpasses revenue goals for their e-commerce site, boosting overall revenue contribution.

With OmniSegment CDP's automation capabilities, Angel LaLa was also able to generate passive income from their e-commerce operations, as these two scripts run independently even after business hours, under OmniSegment CDP's automated control. 

Angel LaLa Case Study 1

OmniSegment CDP's automated marketing features enable effective communication at various stages of the customer behavior funnel

During peak promotional periods, automated marketing significantly eases the workload for Angel LaLa. During their annual 11.11 campaign period, OmniSegment CDP's AI-segmentation helped Angel LaLa in filtering members who have made their purchases, allowing them to focus subsequent campaign promotion pushes on members with higher purchase potential. Additionally, OmniSegment CDP's ‘AI Smart Delivery' feature helped Angel LaLa in delivering personalized communication to each member according to their respective purchase behaviors, effectively reducing messaging costs. 

These automated journeys, activated four days before the end of the 11.11 campaign period, continuously triggered website purchases, driving the e-commerce site's performance upwards and achieving an impressive ROAS of 24.

Driving Efficiency and Continuous Improvement – beBit TECH's Digital Strategy Consulting Team

In addition to OmniSegment CDP's automated marketing system, beBit TECH's digital strategy team regularly conducts multi-dimensional performance analyses to help Angel LaLa identify marketing blind spots and optimization opportunities. With consistent guidance and system operation suggestions from the team, Angel LaLa was able to make full use of OmniSegment CDP's automated system.

Under professional guidance, Angel LaLa also had the flexibility to experiment with various member engagement strategies. With guided strategy implementation, they were able to achieve a ROAS of 9-13 among dormant members despite the challenges. 


The Results

On top of delivering efficiency to the team, OmniSegment CDP also helped Angel LaLa save costs and resources. For a complete system performance evaluation, Angel LaLa included both system and push notification costs in their ROAS calculations. Under these assessments, the team found that OmniSegment CDP successfully lowered their overall push notification costs and increased ROI. Within six months of incorporating the OmniSegment CDP, Angel LaLa achieved an average ROAS of 17+, reaching a new business high that helped them generate a seven-figure system revenue.

At Angel LaLa, we value effectiveness! The primary reason we incorporated the OmniSegment CDP is its marketing automation feature, which has created passive income for us. It’s good to see streaming revenue even after clocking-out.

  • Sasa
  • Angel LaLa Marketing Director
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